viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

Biografia Santo Tomas de Aquino (St. Thomas Aquinas Biography) integracion de la TIC, con ingles

Facilitador de Ingles Jose Antoni Florian.
facilitador tecnologico: Luis Trinidad.

St. Thomas Aquinas.(Called the Angelic Doctor; Roccaseca, now Italy, 1224-Fossanuova, id., 1274) Italian theologian and philosopher. Son of one of the most influential aristocratic families in southern Italy, he studied at Monte Cassino, a Benedictine monastery whose parents wanted to continue his clerical career. Later he moved to Naples, where he studied arts and theology and came into contact with the Order of Friars Preachers.
In 1243 expressed their desire to join the Order, but his family objected strongly, and even his mother got permission from Frederick II for his two brothers, members of the imperial army, arrested Thomas. This occurred in Acquapendente in May 1244 and the saint was detained in the castle of Saint Giovanni for a year. Following a complaint from John the Teutonic, General of the Dominicans, Federico II, he agreed that Thomas was released. Then, he was allowed to move to Paris, where he remained from 1245-1256, when he won the title of master in theology.During these years he was in the care of Albert the Great, with whom he began a lasting friendship. United them-besides the fact of belonging both to the Dominican Order, "an open and tolerant, although not without criticism, new knowledge grecoárabe, which at that time came strongly in the universities and Western culture. After his doctorate, he took one of the chairs reserved for the Dominicans, a task which he combined with the wording of his early works, which began to move away from the theological current majority, derived from the teachings of St. Augustine.In 1259 he returned to Italy, where he remained until 1268 in the service of the papal court as an instructor and consultant to the Pope, who was accompanied on his travels. During these years he wrote several comments to the Pseudo-Dionysius and Aristotle, finished the Summa Against the Gentiles, work in which he reviewed critically the philosophies and theologies present throughout history, and began writing his masterpiece, the Summa Theologica , which was occupied between 1267 and 1274 and represents the ultimate compendium of all his thought.

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